We need your senior's stories for our book!
"A Story To Share" A real-story/based book collection series!
This is a wonderful FREE opportunity that will benefit our seniors, their families, and future generations forever!
Send us a real story that your grandparents or elderly friends tell you, we will include it in the book.
The Book: FaMo’s expertise in global communications helped her realize how important is for children to understand and respect our elderly people in the close community simply by listening to them on an entertaining true story, affecting positively and directly families, friends, and the whole community, therefore, the role model (the elder) will help maintain and improve actions and behavior on generations to come.
Not only children, but we all need to learn from our seniors, they have hidden stories from which we can learn a ton, experiencing real consequences from their actions...no matter what, good or bad! listening to such precious material will improve our future through children who will gain knowledge valuing our oldest souls, giving our elders back great neurological benefits with the opportunity to recap and self-respect their past actions, also, increases general culture globally.
WHO? Elderly people from ages 60 –100 or they caretakers, please tell us a short story as simple as you might tell a child. Decide to retell a familiar story or make one up from scratch based on a positive life experience. Perhaps the story started in a bad place and ended with a wonderful lesson of life that we all can keep and learn. No matter how edited the story is, we will keep the story and edit it in the most suitable way to present it to the young public keeping it real.
HOW? Fill in the 3 pages provided below, attach a picture and brief biography of the narrator (elder) and write the story.
SCAN & E-MAIL TO: realstoriesproject@artfamo.com
POST it! MAIL: 13299 NW 7th Street, Plantation Florida, United States 33325
If you don’t have resources to send the mail/e-mail or have any questions, give us a call
These personal and fantasy narratives in terms of their narrative structure can be written as exactly they are told or with any grammatical complexity, mistakes are ok, content, and cohesion, in other words, it does not matter how our elderly tells the story or its written, we are in charge to leave the context or re-write with a conscious attempt to make the stories as entertaining as possible, as opposed to being objectively accurate. That hint of magic and creativity that we will provide to the stories is to be able to illustrate them and edit them in a very fun engaging way at our expense and then publish them with the author (elder) picture and details at the end of each story, inside the book.
The elder might NOT be forced to tell the story, is absolutely voluntary. We encourage those families or caretakers who have an elderly person without the capabilities of telling a story, to do it for them making sure to stimulate with conversation based on personal experiences and their past life to have a memory fall to tell the story or write it based on past conversations and knowledge.
“This will lead to more effective oral transmission and a sense of self-respect as well children will benefit tremendously reading their wonderful stories and keeping the experiences for life, creating respect and admiration for the elderly”
Humans have told stories to each other for thousands of years. Before the advent of widespread literacy, the oral transmission of stories was a primary form of entertainment and instruction, to that, we listened to the elderly “the smart ones”.
Some of these stories have been preserved as folktales or epic poems and can be quite lengthy, running to thousands of lines. Storytelling thus exemplifies a complex cognitive task, placing great demands on short-term, working, and long-term memory and is important for the elderly and for children who listen to them.
To offset this cognitive load, storytellers have used mnemonic aids to assist them. These include the repetition of certain phrases, such as the many instances of “swift-footed Achilles” in the Iliad, as well as metrical lines with rhyming couplets, used by English poets and dramatists like Shakespeare.
When Hamlet exclaims, “The play’s the thing, wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king,” the word “thing” serves as a retrieval cue for “king.” Of course, most of us can’t write like Shakespeare, but we all tell stories of one type or another. What happens to the storytelling ability of people as they grow older?
As might be expected, age-related declines in working memory seem to exact a toll on several aspects of older adults’ storytelling abilities for certain ages can be challenging but extremely rewarding for them and their families and also very important for their brain function.
Include a page with details of the person narrating the story, and the raw story, that's all!
Page 1. Tell me about the Author, we would love to disclose where he, she or they are, add a picture of any format but visible and clear.
Page 2. Write the story the best you can, you can use max 15 sheets of paper to tell the main point of his/her story or experience, don’t worry about professionalism or how much you write, we just need the facts and the main message to be able to absorb a great story from there and create the best memories for their family, and the public.
Page 3. This page Is for the family member or the caretaker to tell me a little bit about the Senior-Autor, this will give us a more deep view of their actual character to choose the appropriate illustrations.
Before the final edition. A copy of the final work will be sent back to you and should be signed by the Senior-author, or the family in charge to approve the publishing signing the rights.